new coustic crossover
ended - Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Auction grade: C-
Starting bid: $0.99
Final selling price: $12.50
Up for sale in this eBay auction is a previously installed device for car stereos. The seller claims that it wasn't used and there are some light scratches on the case.
For starters, the title definitely needs to have more key words added. "Car stereo", "electronic", "audio", and "XM6" are all very good terms to use, and any combination of them will definitely help this advertisement show up in more searches.
The main body of text could use some freshening up. I like the way that the seller tells us a little bit about the item and why it's up for sale. Seeing how the seller is selling something that an enthusiast is most likely going to purchase, it would have been better if technical stats about the crossover were listed. Technical details like that are usually found in the owner's manual and on the manufacturer's website. You can also find them listed on most electronic websites selling the product.
The reasoning for listing details like that is you don't want the customers to have to look elsewhere to find out more information about the product. If they look elsewhere, A) they may find the same exact product for a lower price, or B) they may find an updated or different version that they want to purchase instead. Either way you've lost the sale. It's hard enough getting somebody to click on your auction without having them lose interest because they want to know more.
It turns out another person is offering a brand new version of this same exact crossover for a Buy It Now price of $39.00. That seller happened to list the technical details of this piece of stereo equipment.
A big problem with this item is that the seller is trying to pass it off as a brand new item. The seller admitted to having it installed in his car, and he mentioned that there are some light scratches on its case. It's hard to believe that the unit has not been used.
It also doesn't help that this particular model of crossovers wasn't rated very favorable by the different online communities. In fact, it's even hard to find for sale from online merchants. This implies that there isn't much demand for this Xm6 Coustic Crossover. That'll definitely have a negative impact on the final selling price.
Overall, the most important thing to do is fix the title and make it more search engine friendly. The extra statistics and information in the main body would definitely help sell this item, but I don't believe it'll be the deal maker or breaker. Online merchants want around $50 for a brand new version of this crossover, so this previously installed (and possibly used) one won't fetch very high of a final selling price. On a positive note, the pictures do look pretty good. It was a good idea to post two of them with different views of the item.